Java Scope

In Java, the scope is the region of the code where a variable is accessible. A variable’s scope is determined by where it is declared, and it can affect the behavior of your Java program. In this blog, we will explore the different types of Java scope, including block, method, and class scope, and provide example code snippets to illustrate each concept.

Block Scope:

In Java, a block is a section of code that is enclosed in curly braces {}. Any variable declared within a block has block scope and is only accessible within that block. Once the block ends, the variable is no longer accessible.


public void exampleMethod() {
   int num = 10; // block scope variable
      int innerNum = 20; // block scope variable
      System.out.println(num); // accessible
      System.out.println(innerNum); // accessible
   System.out.println(num); // accessible
   System.out.println(innerNum); // not accessible

In the above example, we declare two variables, num and innerNum, within a block. The innerNum variable is only accessible within the block, whereas the num variable is accessible both inside and outside of the block.

Method Scope:

A variable declared within a method has method scope and is accessible only within that method. Once the method ends, the variable is no longer accessible.


public void exampleMethod() {
   int num = 10; // method scope variable
   System.out.println(num); // accessible

In the above example, we declare a variable num within the exampleMethod. The variable is only accessible within the method.

Class Scope:

A variable declared within a class but outside of any method has class scope and is accessible to all methods in the class.


public class ExampleClass {
   int num = 10; // class scope variable
   public void method1() {
      System.out.println(num); // accessible
   public void method2() {
      System.out.println(num); // accessible

In the above example, we declare a variable num within the ExampleClass. The variable is accessible to both method1 and method2.


When a variable is declared within a scope that already contains a variable with the same name, it’s called shadowing. In this case, the new variable shadows the old variable, and the old variable becomes temporarily inaccessible.


public void exampleMethod() {
   int num = 10; // outer variable
      int num = 20; // inner variable shadows the outer variable
      System.out.println(num); // inner variable is accessible
   System.out.println(num); // outer variable is accessible

In the above example, we declare two variables with the same name within different blocks. The inner variable shadows the outer variable, making it temporarily inaccessible.


Java scope determines where a variable is accessible within your code. Understanding the different types of Java scope is essential to writing effective Java programs. With the examples provided, you can get started with Java scope and take your programming skills to the next level.