Story – Python Create File

After working with file reading and writing for some time, Alex had decided to create his own file using Python. He wanted to store some important information in a file and access it later. He knew that creating a file in Python was easy, but he wanted to make sure he did it right. So, he decided to do some research and learn more about how to create files in Python.

Alex found out that there were several ways to create a file in Python. One of the simplest ways was to use the built-in open() function. This function could create a file if it did not exist, or open an existing file for reading and writing.

He started by creating a new Python file called In this file, he wrote the following code:

# Creating a new file
file = open("my_file.txt", "w")
file.write("This is my first file created using Python.")

# Reading the file
file = open("my_file.txt", "r")

The code first creates a new file called my_file.txt using the open() function with the mode set to w (write). It then writes a string to the file using the write() function and closes the file using the close() function.

Next, the code opens the file again, but this time with the mode set to r (read). It reads the contents of the file using the read() function and prints it to the console. Finally, it closes the file again using the close() function.

Alex ran the code, and to his delight, he saw that the file had been created successfully. He opened the file using a text editor and saw the message he had written in the code.

This is my first file created using Python.

Alex was pleased with his accomplishment. He now knew how to create files in Python and how to write and read data from them. He knew that he could use this knowledge to store and access data easily in his future projects.

He thought about what else he could do with files in Python. Perhaps he could use them to store user data or to read data from external sources. He knew that the possibilities were endless, and he was excited to explore them all.