Story – Python pip

Alex had been using Python for quite some time now and had become quite proficient in writing scripts and programs in it. However, he felt that there was still a lot that he could learn, especially when it came to using external libraries and packages in his code. This is where he learned about pip, the package installer for Python.

Pip is a tool that is used to install and manage Python packages. It makes it easy for developers to install and manage third-party libraries and modules for their Python projects. Alex was thrilled to learn about pip, as he had always found it difficult to manage dependencies manually.

To use pip, Alex had to open the terminal and type in the following command:

pip install package_name

This would install the desired package and all its dependencies. Alex decided to test this out by installing the popular NumPy library, which is used for numerical computing in Python.

pip install numpy

Alex was amazed to see how quickly pip had downloaded and installed the NumPy library and all its dependencies. He then decided to use the library in his code, and added the following line at the beginning of his script:

import numpy as np

This imported the NumPy library into his script and created an alias for it, which he could then use throughout the script. He then used the NumPy library to perform some complex mathematical calculations, which would have been difficult to implement without the library.

Alex was thrilled with how easy it was to use pip to install and manage external libraries in his Python projects. He could now easily use a wide variety of external libraries to add new functionality to his scripts and programs.

# Example code using NumPy library
import numpy as np

# Create a 2D array
arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

# Perform matrix multiplication
result =, arr)

# Print result


[[ 7 10]
 [15 22]]

With the power of pip, Alex knew he could now easily download and install many other useful Python packages to help him in his coding journey. After installing the package using pip, we can start using it in our Python code. Let’s say we want to use the package “requests” to make an HTTP request to a website and retrieve its content. We can import the package at the beginning of our Python script:

import requests

Now we can use the functions and classes provided by the “requests” package. For example, let’s make a GET request to the homepage of Google:

import requests

response = requests.get('')


In this code snippet, we use the “get” function provided by the “requests” package to make a GET request to the URL ““. The response is stored in the variable “response”. We then print the content of the response using the “content” attribute of the response object.

Pip also allows us to install packages directly from a requirements file. A requirements file is a text file that lists the packages and their versions required for a project. For example, let’s say we have a requirements file named “requirements.txt” that looks like this:


We can use pip to install all the packages listed in the requirements file by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This command will install the packages “requests”, “numpy”, and “pandas” with their specified versions.

In conclusion, pip is a powerful tool for managing Python packages and dependencies. It allows us to easily install, upgrade, and uninstall packages, as well as manage their versions. With pip, we can easily incorporate third-party packages into our Python projects and take advantage of their functionality without having to reinvent the wheel.