Python File Open

we open the file “example.txt” in write mode and use the write() method to write data to the file. The string “This is some text that will be written to the file.” will be written to the file, overwriting any existing data.

Closing a File

It is important to close a file after we have finished working with it. To close a file, we use the close() method.

# Closing a file
file = open("example.txt", "r")
contents =

In the above example, we open the file “example.txt” in read mode, read the contents of the file, output the contents to the console, and then close the file.

Using the “with” Statement

Python provides a more concise and safer way to open and close a file using the with statement. The with statement automatically takes care of closing the file after we have finished working with it.

# Using the "with" statement to open and close a file
with open("example.txt", "r") as file:
    contents =

In the above example, we use the with statement to open the file “example.txt” in read mode, read the contents of the file, output the contents to the console, and then automatically close the file.


In this blog, we discussed Python File Open in detail and provided example code snippets to illustrate its usage. We covered how to open a file, the different modes for opening a file, how to read and write to a file, and how to close a file. We also discussed how to use the with statement to open and close a file in a more concise and safer way. File handling is an essential part of Python programming, and by mastering Python File Open, developers can perform a range of file handling operations efficiently and effectively.