Story – Python Casting

Alex’s programming journey continued, and they soon came across the concept of Python casting. Casting is the process of changing the data type of a variable to a different data type. Python had several built-in functions that could be used for casting, including int(), float(), str(), and bool().

One day, Alex was tasked with building a program that could convert a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. To do this, they needed to convert the Celsius temperature to a floating-point number before performing the calculation. The code looked like this:

# Program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
# Author: Alex
# Date: 2/25/2023

celsius = input("Enter the temperature in Celsius: ")

# Convert the input to a floating-point number using float()
celsius = float(celsius)

# Calculate the temperature in Fahrenheit using the formula F = (C * 1.8) + 32
fahrenheit = (celsius * 1.8) + 32

# Print the result
print(celsius, "Celsius is equal to", fahrenheit, "Fahrenheit")

In this code, Alex used the float() function to convert the user’s input to a floating-point number. They then used the formula for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit, storing the result in a variable called fahrenheit. The result was then printed out.

As Alex continued to explore Python’s casting functions, they discovered that they could easily convert between different data types as needed. For example, they built a program that could concatenate two strings and an integer. The code looked like this:

# Program to concatenate two strings and an integer
# Author: Alex
# Date: 2/25/2023

name = "Alex"
age = 30

# Convert the age to a string using str()
age_str = str(age)

# Concatenate the name and age using +
message = name + " is " + age_str + " years old."

# Print the message

In this code, Alex used the str() function to convert the integer variable age to a string. They then used the + operator to concatenate the strings together, storing the result in a variable called message. The result was then printed out.

As Alex’s programming skills continued to grow, they discovered that Python’s casting functions were incredibly useful for manipulating data in a program. They could be used to convert between different data types as needed, allowing for more flexibility and control in programming. And with each new discovery, Alex became more confident in their programming abilities. They knew that with Python’s powerful casting functions at their fingertips, they could tackle any programming task that came their way. And they all lived happily ever after.