Top 5 Pathfinding Algorithms Every Developer Should Know

Pathfinding algorithms are crucial in many fields of software development, particularly in game development, robotics, AI, and network routing. If you’ve ever played a video game where a character needs to navigate a maze or seen a robot moving through an obstacle course, you’ve witnessed pathfinding algorithms in action. These algorithms enable software to find the most efficient route from one point to another, often with constraints or in a complex environment.

Whether you are developing a game, creating an AI for autonomous vehicles, or building an application that involves navigation, understanding pathfinding algorithms is essential. Not only do they optimize the efficiency and performance of your software, but they also enhance the user experience by providing smooth and intelligent navigation.

In this guide, we’ll cover the top 5 pathfinding algorithms that every developer should know. By the end of this blog, you’ll have a solid understanding of these algorithms, complete with code examples, so you can apply them to your projects. We’ll delve into each algorithm’s workings, compare their strengths and weaknesses, and help you decide which one is best suited for your needs.

What Are Pathfinding Algorithms?

Pathfinding algorithms are computational methods used to determine the shortest path between two points. They are widely used in various applications, from computer games to GPS navigation systems, to find the most efficient route from a starting point to a destination.

Definition and Purpose

Pathfinding algorithms work by exploring possible paths within a defined space (like a grid, graph, or map) and selecting the one with the least cost or distance. The “cost” could represent time, distance, or any other metric that defines the efficiency of the path. These algorithms are designed to handle different types of environments, from simple to highly complex, with varying obstacles and constraints.

Real-World Applications

Pathfinding is used in many real-world applications, such as:

  • Video Games: Characters and NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) use pathfinding to navigate through the game world.
  • Robotics: Robots use pathfinding to move around obstacles and reach a target location.
  • Navigation Systems: GPS devices use pathfinding algorithms to find the shortest route to a destination.
  • Network Routing: Data packets in a network use pathfinding to determine the most efficient path to travel from the source to the destination.
Key Concepts: Nodes, Edges, Heuristics

To understand pathfinding algorithms, you need to be familiar with some key concepts:

  • Nodes: These represent points in the space, such as intersections on a map or grid cells in a game.
  • Edges: These are the connections between nodes, representing the path that can be traveled.
  • Heuristics: A heuristic is an estimate of the cost to reach the goal from a particular node. It guides the algorithm in selecting the most promising paths.

1. Dijkstra’s Algorithm


Dijkstra’s Algorithm is one of the most well-known pathfinding algorithms. Developed by Dutch computer scientist Edsger W. Dijkstra in 1956, this algorithm is often used to find the shortest path between nodes in a graph. It’s particularly effective for graphs with non-negative weights, making it ideal for scenarios where you need to calculate the shortest distance between two points without any negative cost edges.

How It Works

Dijkstra’s Algorithm works by exploring the shortest paths from the starting node (source) to all other nodes in the graph. It uses a priority queue to always expand the node with the smallest known distance. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

  1. Initialize Distances: Set the distance to the starting node as 0 and all other nodes as infinity.
  2. Mark Nodes as Unvisited: Mark all nodes as unvisited. The visited nodes will be stored in a set.
  3. Select the Nearest Node: Pick the unvisited node with the smallest distance.
  4. Update Neighboring Nodes: For each neighboring node, calculate the tentative distance through the current node. If this distance is less than the previously recorded distance, update it.
  5. Repeat: Mark the current node as visited and repeat the process until all nodes are visited or the shortest path to the target node is found.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of Dijkstra’s Algorithm is O(V^2) for a graph with V nodes. This can be reduced to O(V + E log V) using a priority queue, where E is the number of edges.

Code Example in Python

Here’s a simple Python implementation of Dijkstra’s Algorithm:

import heapq

def dijkstra(graph, start):
    # Initialize distances and priority queue
    distances = {node: float('infinity') for node in graph}
    distances[start] = 0
    priority_queue = [(0, start)]

    while priority_queue:
        current_distance, current_node = heapq.heappop(priority_queue)

        # Skip if a better path has already been found
        if current_distance > distances[current_node]:

        # Update distances for neighbors
        for neighbor, weight in graph[current_node].items():
            distance = current_distance + weight
            if distance < distances[neighbor]:
                distances[neighbor] = distance
                heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (distance, neighbor))

    return distances

In this example, graph is a dictionary where the keys are nodes, and the values are dictionaries of neighboring nodes with their respective weights.

Pros and Cons


  • Guarantees the shortest path.
  • Suitable for graphs with non-negative weights.
  • Simple to understand and implement.


  • Inefficient for large graphs without optimization (e.g., using a priority queue).
  • Not suitable for graphs with negative weights.

Use Cases

Dijkstra’s Algorithm is used in various applications, such as:

  • Network Routing: Finding the shortest path for data packets in a network.
  • Map Services: Calculating the shortest driving distance between two locations.
  • Game Development: NPC pathfinding in a game world.

2. A* (A-Star) Algorithm


A* is a powerful and widely-used pathfinding algorithm, known for its efficiency and accuracy. It was developed as an extension of Dijkstra’s Algorithm and is particularly effective in scenarios where the goal is to find the shortest path in a graph with weighted edges. A* is popular in game development, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

How It Works

A* Algorithm combines the best features of Dijkstra’s Algorithm and Greedy Best-First Search. It uses both the actual cost from the start node and a heuristic estimate to the goal node to prioritize which nodes to explore. Here’s how it works:

  1. Initialize Distances: Set the distance to the starting node as 0 and all other nodes as infinity. Initialize the priority queue with the starting node.
  2. Select the Node with the Lowest Cost: Choose the node with the lowest total cost (actual cost + heuristic) from the priority queue.
  3. Update Neighboring Nodes: For each neighboring node, calculate the tentative cost through the current node. If this cost is lower than the previously recorded cost, update it.
  4. Add Heuristic: Add the heuristic estimate of the cost from the neighboring node to the goal node.
  5. Repeat: Mark the current node as visited and repeat the process until the goal node is reached.

Heuristics in A* Algorithm

The heuristic is a crucial part of A*. It estimates the distance from the current node to the goal node, guiding the algorithm towards the most promising paths. The most common heuristics include:

  • Manhattan Distance: Used in grids where you can only move horizontally or vertically.
  • Euclidean Distance: Used in grids where you can move in any direction, including diagonally.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of A* is O(E), where E is the number of edges. However, the efficiency of A* heavily depends on the heuristic function used.

Code Example in Python

Here’s a Python implementation of the A* Algorithm:

import heapq

def a_star(graph, start, goal):
    # Initialize distances and priority queue
    distances = {node: float('infinity') for node in graph}
    distances[start] = 0
    priority_queue = [(0, start)]
    came_from = {start: None}

    while priority_queue:
        current_distance, current_node = heapq.heappop(priority_queue)

        if current_node == goal:

        for neighbor, weight in graph[current_node].items():
            distance = current_distance + weight
            if distance < distances[neighbor]:
                distances[neighbor] = distance
                priority = distance + heuristic(neighbor, goal)
                heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (priority, neighbor))
                came_from[neighbor] = current_node

    return reconstruct_path(came_from, start, goal)

def heuristic(node, goal):
    # Example heuristic: Manhattan Distance
    return abs(node[0] - goal[0]) + abs(node[1] - goal[1])

def reconstruct_path(came_from, start, goal):
    path = []
    current = goal
    while current != start:
        current = came_from[current]
    return path

In this example, the graph is a dictionary where the keys are nodes, and the values are dictionaries of neighboring nodes with their respective weights. The heuristic function provides an estimate of the cost from the current node to the goal.

Pros and Cons


  • Efficient and accurate in finding the shortest path.
  • Flexible with different heuristic functions.
  • Suitable for a wide range of applications.


  • Performance depends on the quality of the heuristic.
  • Can be memory-intensive for large graphs.

Use Cases

A* Algorithm is widely used in applications like:

  • Game Development: NPCs navigating complex environments.
  • Robotics: Autonomous robots finding the best path in an obstacle-rich environment.
  • AI Path Planning: AI systems planning routes in dynamic environments.

3. Breadth-First Search (BFS)


Breadth-First Search (BFS) is one of the simplest and most intuitive pathfinding algorithms. It’s an uninformed search algorithm that explores all possible paths level by level, making it ideal for finding the shortest path in unweighted graphs. BFS is widely used in various applications, including solving puzzles, network analysis, and game development.

How It Works

BFS explores all nodes at the present depth level before moving on to the nodes at the next depth level. It uses a queue to keep track of the nodes that need to be explored. Here’s how it works:

  1. Initialize the Queue: Start by adding the starting node to the queue.
  2. Explore Nodes Level by Level: Dequeue the first node and explore all its neighbors. Add the neighbors to the queue.
  3. Mark Nodes as Visited: Mark each node as visited to avoid processing it again.
  4. Repeat: Continue this process until the queue is empty or the target node is reached.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of BFS is O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph.

Code Example in Python

Here’s a Python implementation of BFS:

from collections import deque

def bfs(graph, start, goal):
    # Initialize the queue and visited set
    queue = deque([start])
    visited = set()
    came_from = {start: None}

    while queue:
        current = queue.popleft()

        if current == goal:

        for neighbor in graph[current]:
            if neighbor not in visited:
                came_from[neighbor] = current

    return reconstruct_path(came_from, start, goal)

def reconstruct_path(came_from, start, goal):
    path = []
    current = goal
    while current != start:
        current = came_from[current]
    return path

In this example, graph is a dictionary where the keys are nodes, and the values are lists of neighboring nodes.

Pros and Cons


  • Simple and easy to understand.
  • Guarantees the shortest path in unweighted graphs.
  • Works well for small to medium-sized graphs.


  • Inefficient for large graphs due to memory usage.
  • Not suitable for weighted graphs.

Use Cases

BFS is commonly used in:

  • Puzzle Solving: Finding the shortest sequence of moves in a puzzle.
  • Network Analysis: Exploring the shortest paths in social or computer networks.
  • Game Development: Simple pathfinding for characters in grid-based games.

4. Depth-First Search (DFS)


Depth-First Search (DFS) is another fundamental pathfinding algorithm, contrasting with BFS in its approach. While BFS explores paths level by level, DFS goes as deep as possible into the graph before backtracking. This makes DFS more suitable for exploring deep or large graphs, particularly when you need to visit all nodes rather than find the shortest path.

How It Works

DFS uses a stack (either explicitly or via recursion) to keep track of the nodes that need to be explored. Here’s how it works:

  1. Start at the Root Node: Begin the search at the starting node.
  2. Explore Deeper: Move to an unvisited neighbor of the current node, marking it as visited.
  3. Backtrack When Necessary: If no unvisited neighbors are available, backtrack to the previous node.
  4. Repeat: Continue this process until all nodes are visited or the target node is found.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of DFS is O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph.

Code Example in Python

Here’s a Python implementation of DFS:

def dfs(graph, start, goal, visited=None, path=None):
    if visited is None:
        visited = set()
    if path is None:
        path = []


    if start == goal:
        return path

    for neighbor in graph[start]:
        if neighbor not in visited:
            result = dfs(graph, neighbor, goal, visited, path)
            if result is not None:
                return result

    return None

In this example, graph is a dictionary where the keys are nodes, and the values are lists of neighboring nodes.

Pros and Cons


  • Simple and easy to implement.
  • Uses less memory than BFS.
  • Suitable for deep or large graphs.


  • Does not guarantee the shortest path.
  • Can get stuck in deep, infinite paths without careful management.

Use Cases

DFS is useful in scenarios like:

  • Topological Sorting: Ordering tasks with dependencies.
  • Cycle Detection: Identifying cycles in a graph.
  • Maze Generation: Exploring deep paths in maze algorithms.

5. Bellman-Ford Algorithm


The Bellman-Ford Algorithm is a versatile pathfinding algorithm that, unlike Dijkstra’s Algorithm, can handle graphs with negative weight edges. This makes it especially useful in situations where you need to calculate the shortest path in a graph with both positive and negative weights.

How It Works

Bellman-Ford works by relaxing all edges repeatedly, ensuring that the shortest path to each node is found by considering each edge multiple times. Here’s how it works:

  1. Initialize Distances: Set the distance to the starting node as 0 and all other nodes as infinity.
  2. Relax All Edges: For each edge, update the distance to the target node if a shorter path is found.
  3. Repeat: Repeat the process for a total of V-1 times, where V is the number of vertices.
  4. Check for Negative Cycles: After V-1 iterations, check for negative weight cycles by relaxing all edges one more time. If any distance is updated, a negative cycle exists.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of the Bellman-Ford Algorithm is O(V * E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges.

Code Example in Python

Here’s a Python implementation of the Bellman-Ford Algorithm:

def bellman_ford(graph, start):
    # Initialize distances
    distances = {node: float('infinity') for node in graph}
    distances[start] = 0

    # Relax edges repeatedly
    for _ in range(len(graph) - 1):
        for node in graph:
            for neighbor, weight in graph[node].items():
                if distances[node] + weight < distances[neighbor]:
                    distances[neighbor] = distances[node] + weight

    # Check for negative weight cycles
    for node in graph:
        for neighbor, weight in graph[node].items():
            if distances[node] + weight < distances[neighbor]:
                raise ValueError("Graph contains a negative weight cycle")

    return distances

In this example, graph is a dictionary where the keys are nodes, and the values are dictionaries of neighboring nodes with their respective weights.

Pros and Cons


  • Handles graphs with negative weight edges.
  • Can detect negative weight cycles.
  • More versatile than Dijkstra’s Algorithm.


  • Slower than Dijkstra’s Algorithm.
  • Inefficient for large graphs with many edges.

Use Cases

The Bellman-Ford Algorithm is commonly used in:

  • Network Routing: Finding the shortest path in networks with negative weights.
  • Finance: Modeling situations with negative cash flows.
  • Graph Analysis: Detecting negative cycles in graphs.

Choosing the Right Algorithm

Factors to Consider

When choosing a pathfinding algorithm, consider the following factors:

  • Graph Size: BFS and DFS are suitable for small to medium-sized graphs, while A* and Dijkstra are better for larger graphs.
  • Edge Weights: Use Dijkstra’s or A* for non-negative weights and Bellman-Ford for graphs with negative weights.
  • Shortest Path Guarantee: If you need the shortest path, avoid DFS and prefer BFS, Dijkstra, or A*.
  • Memory Constraints: DFS uses less memory, while A* and BFS might be more memory-intensive.

Comparing the Algorithms

Here’s a quick comparison of the algorithms discussed:

AlgorithmShortest PathHandles Negative WeightsTime ComplexitySpace Complexity
Dijkstra’sYesNoO(V + E log V)O(V)
BFSYes (unweighted)NoO(V + E)O(V)
Bellman-FordYesYesO(V * E)O(V)

Which One Should You Use?

  • For Non-Negative Weights: Use Dijkstra’s Algorithm or A*.
  • For Negative Weights: Use Bellman-Ford.
  • For Simple, Unweighted Graphs: Use BFS or DFS.

We’ve explored the top 5 pathfinding algorithms every developer should know: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, A* Algorithm, BFS, DFS, and Bellman-Ford Algorithm. Each of these algorithms has its strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different types of problems. By understanding how they work and where to apply them, you’ll be better equipped to solve complex pathfinding problems in your projects.

Whether you’re developing a game, creating AI for autonomous robots, or working on a network routing system, these algorithms will be invaluable tools in your toolkit. Remember to consider the specific requirements of your project—such as graph size, edge weights, and memory constraints—when choosing the right algorithm.

For further reading, I recommend diving deeper into each algorithm’s variations and optimizations, as well as exploring more advanced pathfinding techniques like Bidirectional Search and D* (Dynamic A*).